FORS Silver Award for 2020!
FORS Silver for 2020
We’re delighted to have been awarded Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) Silver for another year running! FORS is an industry standard for best practice across the European transport industry and our transport manager and staff have worked hard to secure this great accreditation.
What is FORS?
The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) is a voluntary accreditation scheme encompassing all aspects of safety, fuel efficiency, vehicle emissions and improved operations. FORS helps fleet operators to measure and monitor performance and alter their operations in order to demonstrate best practice. It is open to operators of vans, lorries, mini-buses, coaches and other vehicles, and to the organisations that award contracts to those
Stuart, our transport manager has worked hard ensuring we meet all of the criteria needed to reach the Silver accrediation including;
- Ensuring all vehicles are fitted with cameras
- Keeping on top of all driver records, time sheets and driver accreditations
- Keeping fuel efficiency within the permitted range
- Ensuring our fleet of vehicles are eco friendly
With a fleet of over 100 vehicles, Stuart has a very busy job ensuring all of our vehicles are in the best possible condition for optimum road safety. Being awarded the FORS Silver accreditation confirms that we employ good practice and comply with the requirements laid out by the FORS Standard. By achieving FORS Silver accreditation our fleet is compliant with the CLOCS Standard for Construction Logistics and with TfL’s WRRR (Work Related Road Risk).

Our Fleet
The investment in our fleet is what keepsthe A1 Group ahead of the game, with over 100 vehicles and more on the way, we keep out transport manager busy to say the least! Check out our ever expanding fleet below.
View our vehicles