Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace

Did you know...
1 in 6 working-age adults have symptoms associated with poor mental health?
Poor mental health is responsible for 72 million working days lost and costs the UK employers £45 billion each year.
A1 Group recognises the importance of its employee’s mental health and has teamed with Simpila to continue its journey on making sure that we continue to keep our employees’ health at its fullest. We have done this through appointing a Mental Health First Aider, and with great joy, we can announce that our Operations Assistant & Marketing Co-Ordinator, Chloe Morgan, is now our certified Mental Health First Aider for A1 Group.
What is a Mental Health First Aider?
A Mental Health First Aider works similar to a physical first aider, it is where support is given to the someone that is experiencing poor mental health prior to seeking professional help. This initial support will help to recognise and assess whether the person in question needs professional help or more general support through a mental health first aider within the workplace. These first aiders are trained to recognise the signs of poor mental health through ALGEE; approach, assess, listen, give support, and encourage whilst offering first-level support and early intervention. Within the work place these first aiders can act as a sounding board to their colleagues in the first instance and are trained to analyse whether further help is needed depending on the situation that is presented to them.
We felt Chloe was best suited to this role due to her passion to help others in all aspects of life. Chloe is a caring and giving person by nature, and always has her colleagues best interests at the heart of what she does. Chloe’s role within the company is versatile and she is often visiting our depots across the UK, helping others by covering their roles and training up new members of staff. This is beneficial for Chloe within her new MHFA role as she will be able to get to know all our teams during her time spent in different depots.
Chloe commented, “I'm incredibly happy to announce that I am now the mental health first aider for my workplace, I am eager to begin this journey of supporting my colleagues and providing a safe space for employees to feel they can open up”
We would like to send our appreciation to Simpila for providing a course that is so informative.