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Contact Us

To get in touch, choose the service you're interested in below:

Head Office

A1 Group of Companies
Silver Birches
Highland Avenue
Berkshire RG41 4SP
Get Directions
Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 4:00pm

If you have any enquires or feedback, please call us on 0118 989 4652.

A1 Group back office 

Customer Area

The A1 Group client information portal has been designed to enable users to quickly access a wide variety of information such as insurances and risk assessments.

Visit the customer portal 

Complaints Form

The A1 Group are here to help with any queries or complaints you may have.

Complaints Form 

Staff Area

Our staff information database has been designed to enable you to quickly access a wide variety of company information, employment documents and training resources.

Visit the staff portal